During the rise of so-called “Peak TV” (also known as the “Golden Age of Television”), shows like The Sopranos and Breaking Bad shrouded the TV landscape in darkness. These edgy dramas revolved around antiheroes who did horrible things and pushed the boundaries of TV censorship with storylines about cooking meth and murdering children. Then, sadly, the real world got as dark as a Breaking Bad episode.
The climate crisis is worsening at a rapid rate, a deadly virus spread across the globe, and tragedies like school shootings are no longer a rare occurrence. The last thing TV viewers need these days is more violence and destruction and terrible people doing terrible things. Since all of that is happening for real, audiences feel the need to escape from the bleakness of the modern world with more uplifting, lighthearted TV content.
How Ted Lasso Created A Monster
As a result, the other side of the Sopranos/Breaking Bad coin has presented itself. The most popular shows right now are the ones that inspire hope and love and optimism. In an increasingly hostile and uninhabitable world, audiences have embraced the warmth and positivity of shows like Ted Lasso, Schitt’s Creek, Mythic Quest, and Bob’s Burgers.
Based on commercials for U.S. coverage of English football games, Ted Lasso stars Jason Sudeikis as an American coach who goes to the UK to coach a Premier League football team. A half-hour series dragged out of seconds-long promos seemed destined to fail, but Ted Lasso surprisingly became one of the biggest hit shows on the air. It’s a classic underdog story that inspires optimism and self-love. With a pandemic raging on and political division running rampant, Ted Lasso was the show that audiences needed in mid-2020.
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