The Fate series is a multimedia powerhouse of a franchise most known these days for the mobile game Fate/Grand Order orthe several Fate/Stay Night adaptations. However, the original writer of Fate, Kinoko Nasu, has created a few franchises within that universe, and one, in particular, is an anime series that deserves far more praise than it gets.
In the late 90s, Nasu published Kara no Kyoukai, or, The Garden of Sinners, as a web novel, with illustrations by the now-iconic Fate series designer Takashi Takeuchi. The series is set in 1990s Japan in Mifune City in Tokyo, where a woman with supernatural powers works alongside her good friend and a magus named Touko to solve paranormal phenomena.
Fate: The Order You Should Watch All The Anime Shows And Movies
After the formation of TYPE-MOON, Garden of Sinners was published in 2004 by Kodansha and gained further popularity. In the early 2000s, Nasu's other works, such as the VN Tsukihime or Fate/Stay Night gained colossal popularity and received animated adaptations. Garden of Sinners wouldn't get the anime treatment until 2007 when studio Ufotable began adapting it to film. Nowadays, apart from recent success with Demon Slayer, Ufotable is known for having made some of the most successful animated adaptations of the Fate series, from Unlimited Blade Works to Heaven's Feel to Gen Urobuchi's acclaimed Fate/Zero. But it was Garden of Sinners that first received an animated adaptation from Ufotable.
One could argue that Ufotable's production style and the treatment Garden of Sinners received was the template by which not only Fate properties would be adapted, but the studio's other prestige works. It's hard to imagine Demon Slayer's digital effects work looking as good as it does