The Devil is a Part-Timer! is a unique mixture of slice of life and shonen anime with Sadao Mao being the devil himself and yet simply trying to live a human life as a fast food worker. Of course, even such a simple concept needs some sort of foil for the main character: this is Emi Yusa.
Back in their homeworld, she was a hero who defeated the devil, here on Earth she’s a call center employee with conflicting emotions. In the two seasons of the anime that have been aired so far fans have already noticed a plethora of changes from the initial introduction of Emi to her current character.
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In season 1 Emi was introduced as a savior figure, extremely powerful and entirely dedicated to good. Her entire goal in life was to defeat the devil. She even pursued him through a portal in this effort even though in doing so she knew she was probably giving up a chance to return to her home world for good.This single-minded pursuit was still noticeable on Earth, though perhaps toned down to a more domestic scale. She did attack him in the street but quickly retreated to watching him suspiciously from afar. Seeing him fix the damage wrought by an otherworldly battle made her start to question if he truly was as evil as she had previously believed.
In season two Emi’s feelings really start to grow and change. This is largely due to Alas Ramus and the positions that she puts the two of them into as her chosen parents. Emi starts to go on dates with Sadao, and she also starts to work with him to protect Alas and Chi, even going so far as to challenge the angels with whom she used to work. Of course, she did work against Sariel in season 1 but that was only under extreme duress. Her reaction to Gabriel