Parody anime that pick apart well-beloved anime genres are usually beloved by the anime community, such as with Konosuba. But what if there was an anime like Konosuba, but with magical girls? That's where Magical Girl Ore enters the scene. Where Puella Magi Madoka Magica portrayed the dark realities of magical girls in a horrifying and psychologically damaging way, Magical Girl Ore pursues the same idea in a more comedic light. Most of the time.
Magical Girl Ore tells the fail of a failing idol group, starring the daughter of an ex-magical girl and the sister of a famous pop idol. When the daughter of the ex-magical girl, named Saki, agrees to become her mother's replacement and become a magical girl herself. When she finally transforms into her magical form, she turns into a buff anime man and defeats her foes with mainly violent brute force. But does this wacky premise translate into a good show?
The Strongest Magical Girls In Anime
What this anime does best is subvert the magical girl genre. Although not as profound as the previously mentioned Madoka Magica, it challenges many of the same themes. The difference is in how it's handled; with comedy. Instead of having magical abilities to take down foes, which are mainly buff squirrel creatures in the first place, the magical wand is a melee weapon to bludgeon their enemies to death with. It contextualizes the violence of magical girl series in a more graphic and literal way.
Besides that, it pokes fun at both the magical girl genre and the idol girl genre. Whenever it can point out how unrealistic idol girl anime is, especially when it comes to glossing over the throes of fame, it does. The anime shows a failing, unpopular idol group with no fans instead of the