Perceptive gamers in Overwatch 2 have begun to notice new locked-off areas on some of the classic maps. The fan base is divided over what the best maps in Overwatch 2 are, but the areas that have been around since the beginning and still remain are favorites for a reason. Most of the maps are loved or despised based on which «main» the player enjoys using, but some well-designed maps just happen to click with most heroes.
Fans are comforted with the new Push map that allows players to talk to the robot escort even though some of the other well-received locations have gone missing. As seems to be the rule with sweeping changes, some gamers love the changes and others hate them. Yet certain inquisitive individuals have taken to exploring maps and asking themselves what all has changed about the classic maps that made their way into the game. Their findings aren't what players would expect.
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It seems there are new areas, currently inaccessible, on these old-school maps. Currently, players who try to break through are greeted with an invisible wall. Even so, these new areas invite curiosity and make gamers ask why they exist at all. Have a look and formulate a personal opinion.
There isn't a consensus opinion as to why this is. Some note that these areas with playable spots in the first Overwatch during seasonal events. If that's the case, when they ported everything over to the new game, the developers may have just used the larger map in case they wanted to do these events in the future and didn't feel like having two completely different maps taking up disk space. Seasonal events in gaming keep the product fresh, but keeping the areas around even when they aren't in use would be an oversight.