Dr. Vegapunk is one of the most intriguing characters in One Piece so far. Her introduction is also one of the most hyped reveals in the series, as she finally appeared in chapter 1061 of the story after being mentioned long before even the timeskip of One Piece. For the longest time, Dr. Vegapunk was hyped as a genius thanks to the work of whom the Navy was constantly making progress.
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Now, Vegapunk has finally appeared in the main story, as seen in the Egghead Island arc, which seems to be her personal island. Her role in the story is of utmost importance, given that she is the only one capable of explaining things such as the Devil Fruits, and things such as the Lineage Factor. With Oda all set to tackle all these questions through Vegapunk, it is time for the fans to go over why this character is so important and what role she will play in the story moving forward.
Vegapunk is quite possibly the most anticipated and longest reveal that Oda has made in One Piece so far. She was first mentioned in chapter 433, after the events of the Enies Lobby arc. It was Koby, the then Petty Officer, who introduced the fans to Dr. Vegapunk. According to Koby, it was all thanks to her that the Navy were able to make great advancement in the scientific field. Koby mentioned that Vegapunk was able to ensure that the Navy ships didn't have to go through the Reverse Mountain every single time they had to move in and out of the Grand Line.
At the same time, he also mentioned that Vegapunk had studied Devil Fruits to a great degree and finally managed to understand how they work. Even feeding these fruits to inanimate objects was made possible by Dr. Vegapunk. After this mention,
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