The Pokemon franchise has been around for almost three decades, and over time fans have poured in from the anime, a plethora of handheld video games, or its vast array of spin-offs. But with such a vast fanbase, there's bound to be some differing opinions. The's discourse on just about every facet of the brand, from the best game in the Pokemon franchise, the best anime series, the best movie, or the best set of trading cards.
There's one category that fans tend to agree on, and that's the most useful Poke Balls in the franchise. While every fan has personal favorites, the best Poke Ball to use in a given situation is usually objective, and over the years people have come to a consensus on what Poke Balls are the most useful across the Pokemon game library.
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As nostalgic as it is useful, the Ultra Ball was present in the very first Pokemon games and has remained one of the most useful tools ever since. Though they're more expensive than the standard and Great Ball variants, the Ultra Ball also has a 2x catch rate, making it significantly more useful.
Along with a slick black-and-yellow design that remains one of the most memorable in the franchise, the Ultra Ball is one of the easiest to use, with no attached gimmicks or oddities. Players simply need to lob an Ultra Ball at a Pokemon, and let probability do the rest.
First introduced in Generation 4, the Quick Ball has an incredibly high catch rate of 4x if it's thrown on the first turn of an encounter. In subsequent Generations, the Quick Ball has a higher catch rate of 5x, though this drop to the standard 1x after the first turn. For players looking to quickly nab a higher-level Pokemon, the Quick Ball is a solid option.
On the other end of the