In the anime and manga world of Dragon Ball, Frieza is an ultimate baddie who has gone toe-to-toe with Goku and the Z-Fighters on more than one occasion, only to eventually succumb to their insane levels of power and finely tuned martial arts skills after any number of hard-fought battles and heartbreaking setbacks. And now in an absolutely hilarious low-cost cosplay, Frieza’s “Mecha” form gets a death recreation that will have fans of the Dragon Ball franchise as impressed as they are entertained!
Recently shared on Instagram by low-cost cosplay connoisseur @lowcostcosplayth, this account consistently posts content about precisely what its name implies, perfectly capturing some of the best characters and moments in the Dragon Ball anime and manga with a simplified charm that has garnered close to 2 million followers. Uploading cosplay from series like Dragon Ball, Final Fantasy, Demon Slayer, Resident Evil, and a slew of other pop culture-related franchises, @lowcostcosplayth excels when challenged with a piece that will push his low-cost sensibilities to their limits.
Related: Dragon Ball's Frieza Is Truly Terrifying in Mythical Fanart Redesign
A cosplay that focuses on a version of Frieza seen in the aftermath of the battle of Planet Namek, this “Mecha” or “Future” Frieza eventually returns to exact his revenge on the Z-Fighters, with his thirst for their deaths made palpable after having survived Namek thanks to the intervention of his father, King Cold, along with a few mechanical augments and upgrades made along the way. Swiftly dealt with when Future Trunks arrives in the past to warn the Z-Fighters of an imminent android threat, it’s the end of this particular battle that @lowcostcosplayth chooses to focus on,