The In Between's heartbreaking love story revolves around the death of Kyle Allen's Skylar, though the actor gets plenty of screentime through the Paramount+ movie's time-jumping narrative style. Emotionally distant from her adopted parents, Joey King's Tessa opens herself up to Skylar, though their relationship shatters when a car accident kills her boyfriend. A series of strange occurrences lead Tessa to believe that Skylar is contacting her from a stage of the afterlife known as the «in between» and enlists her friend Shannon (Celeste O'Connor) in attempting to communicate with him. Allen recently appeared in Steven Spielberg's film adaptation of West Side Story, playing the role of Balkan.
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Screen Rant spoke with Allen about Skylar's multifaceted personality in The In Between and the supernatural aspect of shooting the film.
Screen Rant: First of all, I thought you and Joey really clicked well on screen. What was it like working with her and building that chemistry?
Kyle Allen: It was spectacular. I am doing all in my power to do another movie with her. She's fantastic. We had so much fun and I learned so much from her. She is just a blast, makes everyone around her laugh every single day. [She] is in such a positive mood and is a total professional. It was a masterclass.
Even though this movie centers around your character's death, we still get to know him through flashbacks. Can you tell me about Skylar and his relationship with Tessa?
Kyle Allen: Yeah, I think Skylar represents the opposite, in a lot of ways, to Tessa's character. He's very, very different from her. He has been hurt by life. His parents are going through something. But really,