Kuroko's Basketball, a popular shounen sports anime series, plays with the idea of misdirection, a real-world magic technique, that is used by modern-day magicians. The show's main protagonist, Tetsuya Kuroko turns this magic theory into a reality when he applies it to the realm of sports, specifically middle school and high school basketball.
In collaboration with the original manga artist, Tadatoshi Fujimaki, and Production I.G, the Kuroko's Basketball anime series put out three seasons during its runtime from April 2012 to June 2015 and became a fan favorite among avid anime sports watchers. It follows the main protagonist, Tetsuya Kuroko, also known as the Phantom Sixth Man, as he gains new friends/allies such as Taiga Kagami, a returnee student from America, and Seirin High's basketball team members in order to fight his former teammates, The Generation of Miracles, at the Summer Interhigh and Winter Cup tournaments.
Kuroko’s Basketball vs. Haikyuu!!: Which Is the Better Sports Anime
Many sports series such as Haikyuu! and Diamond no Ace mimic real-life sports techniques and play styles in their fictional worlds; however, what sets Kuroko's Basketball apart is the merging of a non-sports-related technique into its core storytelling foundation. Misdirection, as defined in Season 3, Episode 13, “A Day with Blue Skies,” is a technique commonly used by magicians in order to direct a target's attention or focus to a different person or object through subtle shifts in gaze and movements. Likewise, it is established that this technique is further amplified by Kuroko's natural lack of presence making it more potent and plausible within a stressful environment like matches, where it is easy to forget the position of other
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