One-Punch Man has taken the world by storm ever since the first season of the anime aired in 2015. The series stars a bald man named Saitama, who is so strong that he can defeat any foe with merely a single punch. The story follows him as he becomes a superhero in order to find an opponent that is too strong for him to kill in a single blow. The show is known for both its laugh-out-loud comedy moments and its high-intensity action scenes. The manga, which is published digitally on the online magazine Tonari no Young Jump, is illustrated by industry veteran Yusuke Murata, who is known for his incredibly detailed art style.
While many people are familiar with the anime and manga of One-Punch Man, as well as its incredibly talented illustrator, fewer are aware of One-Punch Man's origins as a web manga created by the author of the series, who goes by the pseudonym ONE. ONE initially worked on the One-Punch Man manga alone, but was eventually approached by Murata, who wanted to collaborate on the series with him. Together, they created the version of One-Punch Man that many are familiar with today. However, the original web manga still exists and is available to read for anyone looking for it.
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Nowadays, ONE is known for not only being the writer for One-Punch Man, but also the creator of Mob Psycho 100 and its spin-off Reigen. Before that, he was a small-time independent creator who not only wrote and illustrated One-Punch Man, but also self-published it on his own personal website. While the popularity of the new series with Murata would overtake the original, Murata would still update the original web series as late as 2019.
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