The Chinese horror game In Nightmare encapsulates you with its imaginative scenary and intriguing backstory, but it sometimes stops you in your tracks when a tough puzzle comes along. One such puzzle for In Nightmare could be one that involves paintings. Here’s how to solve it.
In an early level of the game, you will be confronted with a locked door and six red buttons underneath six paintings. Each button corresponds to the painting, and you must press them in the correct order to open the door. You can read a passage on the right of the puzzle that looks like a booklet in a museum.
It reads:
Each line in the poem has a clue for you to figure out. If you read it carefully, you’ll realize it focuses on six different colors. Those correspond to the paintings above the protagonist’s head. Here’s the proper order you have to follow to open the door. Press each button to the corresponding painting to get the right answer.
Gold (6)Violet (4)Green (2)Blue (3)Red (1)White (5)Follow this order, and the door will unlock, giving further access into the traumatic level. Proceed to learn more about the child protagonist’s past.