The Arena is a side activity in Horizon Forbidden West where players can complete combat challenges to earn medals. Arena medals can be spent on a variety of valuable items, including some of the strongest legendary weapons in Horizon Forbidden West. There are five levels of difficulty for challenges in the Arena, and completing the harder challenges will earn players more medals. Completing challenges quickly will also increase the number of medals players earn.
Before combat challenges can be completed, players will need to gain access to the Arena. "The Kulrut" main story mission in Horizon Forbidden West needs to be completed before the option to open the arena becomes available. After completing the mission, players can speak to Kalla in The Maw of the Arena, which is near Memorial Grove. The "Opening the Arena" side quest requires Aloy to deliver two Bristleback Tusks and a Rollerback Sinew to Kalla. With the machine parts delivered, players can start completing challenges to earn Arena Medals.
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The Arena has Amateur, Intermediate, Skilled, Expert, and Legendary challenges to complete. There are a total of 20 Arena challenges, and each one involves killing some of Horizon Forbidden West's machines within a specified timeframe. Each difficulty will need to be completed to unlock the next tier of challenges, so to unlock Legendary trials, players will need to complete every other challenge available.
Each Arena challenge will have a fee of Metal Shards for entering which ranges from 100 to 250 depending on the challenge. Players should go in with a decent strategy to make the most out of spending their Metal Shards in Horizon Forbidden West. Before starting a