Hogwarts Legacy is a new RPG developed by Avalanche Studios and published by WB Games. It revolves around the life of a young wizard in the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After being delayed for a while, the game is finally expected to release on February 10, 2023.
Given that the title will be available on all major platforms, pre-orders are already underway, and it's safe to assume that Potterheads from worldwide have already booked their copy. However, for the fans who are reluctant to purchase Hogwarts Legacy because their system might not be able to run it smoothly, here are all the system requirements.
Although Hogwarts Legacy will be out on all major platforms, console owners needn't worry about system requirements. It's the PC players who need to consider these details. Here are the system requirements for the game as seen on Steam:
Now that the release date has come so close, it's unlikely that the game will be delayed any further. Fans worldwide can't wait any longer, and further delay would cause major disappointments among them. Moreover, the community expects the game to be playable at launch. In 2022, many titles were mostly unplayable at launch, and the developers had to step in with impromptu fixes and patches. Hopefully, that won't be the case for Hogwarts Legacy.
Steam shows that the game will have three editions: Standard, Deluxe, and Collector. Players who purchase the deluxe edition will have access to the following items in the game:
Apart from these unlocks, players who pre-purchase the deluxe edition will be able to play on February 7, 2023, because there's a 72-hour early access included with the edition. Moreover, players who pre-order the game will also receive an Onyx
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