Zac is a League of Legends melee tank champion who mostly thrives in the jungle, toplane, and support. His kit is built for crowd control and AoE (area-of-effect damage), making him a strong choice in team battles and sieges. His ability to move across the battlefield and engage multiple targets makes him a dangerous choice.
Since he is usually known for being played on toplane, jungle, and support, Zac is a sleeper OP selection on midlane. Keeping this in mind, he is a highly helpful choice because opponents seldom anticipate him playing that role, which makes him an excellent quadruple-flex selection.
Zac is a dangerous opponent in the midlane because of his tankiness and crowd-control skills. He thrives in both team battles and 1v1 scenarios, making him a well-rounded pick for midlane dominators.
Cell Division is one of Zac's most prominent skills. When he takes damage, he splits into tiny versions of himself, allowing him to escape perilous circumstances and reposition himself in confrontations. His E (Elastic Slingshot), which draws adversaries towards him and causes damage, is also a powerful crowd-control skill.
Because of his ultimate ability, R (Let's Bounce!), Zac possesses a high level of tankiness in addition to his powerful crowd management. It allows him to jump to adjacent adversaries and do damage while also slowing them down. Further, it provides him with faster movement speed, making him a powerful force in team battles.
Overall, midlaning with Zac is an excellent pick for players who wish to command the rift and act as a tanky initiate. He is a force to be reckoned with in the midlane, because of his formidable crowd-control skills and tankiness. He can be a powerful opponent in the midlane and a great