Once upon a time, George Clooney played Batman in the infamous Batman and Robin in 1997, almost two decades before Ben Affleck played the Dark Knight in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. 25 years later, Clooney still remembers when he played Batman in a film that is considered the most damaging movie to Batman's reputation and almost killed the superhero genre.
In light of Affleck returning as Batman inAquaman 2, Clooney joked that he was the better Batman compared to Affleck at the Roybal Film and Television Magnet down in Los Angeles. This was all in spite of Clooney being commonly recognized as the worst Batman on film.
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«When you think of actors, you don't really think of education in general. You look at me, you think, 'Oh he's just the best Batman!'» Clooney joked to The Hollywood Reporter, leading the audience to roar in laughter. Clooney then brought up Affleck, who has recently agreed to come back to play Batman. «Ben Affleck's the best Batman? Maybe the best available? Ben Affleck, really? He's got nothing on me!» which led to more laughs in the crowd.
The irony here, besides the obvious, is that both of the films that Clooney and Affleck starred in as Batman were widely panned, though their performances as the DC icon were received differently by audiences. The consensus agreed that Affleck was the best part of an overstuffed film whose lack of quality had nothing to do with him, while Clooney was lambasted for not fitting his role as Batman, though audiences definitely believed his performance as Bruce Wayne. While Clooney rebounded from the flop that was Batman and Robin, Affleck was so highly praised as Batman despite the
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