Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto, more commonly known as the Raiden Shogun Puppet, is a weekly boss in Genshin Impact. As Ei understands more of humanity, she decides to let go of her idea of eternity. However, as her Puppet is designed to maintain eternity, the vessel rebels against Ei’s will and fights the Archon’s new ideals. Because Ei does not have a body to live in, she has to bring the Puppet back into her control. For that, the Electro Archon spends many years battling the assistant.
Genshin Impact: Enter The Golden House Guide
After this fight, Travelers can visit the domain to relive the memory. This time, players have to use their own characters, so these tips on how to beat the Raiden Shogun Puppet Trounce domain in Genshin Impact may come in handy.
The highlight against this Genshin Impact weekly boss is when she enters the Baleful Shadowlord form. This happens when the Raiden Shogun Puppet hits the players enough time to fill her Ominous Destiny. In this form, active characters will periodically lose Elemental Energy. The puppet will deal more fatal attacks and gain a shield that increases Resistance.
Note that Travelers can win the battle without the boss entering this form.
The Puppet will have two stances in this boss fight; Musou Isshin and Engulfing Lightning mode. Each stance has different moves, so knowing which weapon Raiden Shogun is wielding can greatly help with the battle.
Illusions: Split into four illusions that launch blades at the player. Hitting the copy thrice will destroy it. Among the four, one illusion will launch X-shaped slashes to attack. This is the “real” Shogun Puppet. Defeat it to temporarily stun the boss. The first time players do this, they will earn the Impeccable Judgment Genshin