The Wednesday letters page takes bets on which game will be delayed next, as one reader is glad that GTA 6 is taking a long time.
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300 hours later Add me to the ‘just beaten Elden Ring’ crowd, as I’ve just started Journey 2 and finally put the whole of the game behind me. A fantastic experience that I put just shy of 300 hours into. I took my time, obviously, but tried to see everything and collect everything as much as I could. I did use the wiki a bit, I freely admit, but I’m proud to say that at least 80% of everything was found on my own, with only a little bit of help needed to finish off some of the character questlines.
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing and now it’s over I’m feeling a bit deflated and kind of out of things to do. I’m curious as to what other people’s experiences of the game has been though, not just how long you took but what level you were? I was level 179 when I beat the game, which given how hard the final boss battle was I think is probably about what the game was expecting? It’s hard to say though as I wouldn’t claim to be especially good at it or anything.
I’m also curious what armour people were using. This was the only aspect of the game I felt I never quite understood. As a melee player I just don’t see any point in using anything other than Bull-Goat set from Great Horned Tragoth, since it has the highest defence. Apart from when you want to be invulnerable to poison, in a few select places, I couldn’t ever see any point in changing armour, which was kind of disappointing as I got sick of seeing it, and its predecessors, when so many of the others looked cooler. Like I said, I’m curious to know how other people played