The Tokyo Game Show will kick off in September, and as one of the publishers taking part in the annual Japanese gaming expo, Capcom will have two presentations streamed during the event. Capcom Online Program will be the first stream that's dated for broadcast on September 15 at 7 AM PT / 10 AM ET, and will be a pre-recorded showcase of «all the latest» Capcom news.
Capcom's second presentation will be focused entirely on Street Fighter 6 and is scheduled to begin at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET on September 16. The company hasn't announced which games will be seen at its first presentation, but it does have a stacked lineup of upcoming games to pick from. Having previously announced that it plans to release "multiple major new titles" by March 31, 2023, Capcom's biggest titles include the previously mentioned Street Fighter 6, new IP such as Exoprimal, and the Resident Evil remake that is scheduled for a March 24 release next year.
「東京ゲームショウ2022」カプコンブース出展情報第1弾公開! 9/15(木)~9/18(日)に幕張メッセで開催される「東京ゲームショウ2022」。カプコンはリアル会場の出展とオンライン配信番組の2本立てで最新ゲーム情報をお届けします。 詳細は⇒<a href=«» data-mce-href=«» https:>#カプコンTGS
<a href=«» data-mce-href=«» https:>#TGS2022
Tokyo Game Show will be held from September 15-18, and for the first time in three years, it'll be held in person at its regular Makuhari Messe venue in Chiba City. It'll also have online streams made available for most of its content in both Japanese