BitLife's Jude the Judy Challenge is now live, and it is made up of five tasks for players to complete. These tasks are quite diverse, requiring fans to pursue advanced education, multiple professions, and even fame. For those players that may be stuck on some aspect of the Judge the Judy Challenge in BitLife, this guide contains full details on how they should approach all of its tasks.
The first task in the Judge the Judy Challenge is to be born as a female in Brooklyn, and it is something that players will need to address during character creation. More specifically, fans of life sim games should make a female character, select the United States as their country, and then select Brooklyn as their starting place. Notably, starting with a character that has high Looks and Smarts can be very helpful for this challenge, though it is not strictly required.
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Once a player has created a suitable character in BitLife, they should put some effort toward improving their Looks and Smarts during their youth. Indeed, spending time visiting the salon and the library, while also studying hard during high school, will make it easier to complete some of the challenge's other tasks. Players should also make sure to take Acting lessons every year through the Activities tab in order to prepare for the future.
After completing high school, fans should enroll in university and select a major like Criminal Justice, History, or Political Science. If a player does not see any of those options, it is recommended that they restart the BitLife app to repopulate the list. Once that has been resolved and a fan has graduated with an appropriate degree, they should go to law school to complete the