Will Julie Chen-Moonves: top related news

All news where Will Julie Chen-Moonves is mentioned

30.06 / 05:57
Twitter Will Julie Chen Moonves Be Handing Out Bibles On Big Brother 24
Big Brother 24 returns to CBS on July 6, with a 90-minute live premiere hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, and fans are wondering if she'll be gifting Bibles during the series' next installment. 16 new houseguests will be moving into the Big Brother house to compete for $750,000. The live 24/7 Internet feed will be back, and it's slated to premiere after the Pacific Coast broadcast on Paramount Plus. Last season's historic victory by Xavier Prather saw the show's first Black winner in 21 years, after a six-member, all-Black alliance called The Cookout made it to the final six. The Cookout's success is due to CBS's 50% BIPOC casting mandate across all reality programming.