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26.04 / 00:29
Matrix boxing The Wachowskis Auction Off Matrix Props for Trans Youth Charity
Lana and Lilly Wachowski, the filmmakers behind The Matrix franchise, Cloud Atlas, and Jupiter Ascending, are auctioning off memorabilia from their films in support of the Protect & Defend Trans Youth Fund. Since The Matrix’s release in 1999, the Wachowski sisters have been known throughout Hollywood for their surreal, speculative films and TV shows. Many of their critically acclaimed movies are also wildly popular, including The Matrix, which grossed over $460 million at the box office. Both Wachowskis are trans women as well as vocal advocates of the trans community. In 2020, Lilly Wachowski confirmed that, as many fans had long theorized, she and her sister wrote The Matrixas an allegory for their experiences as trans women.