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03.02 / 03:03
UPS Star Trek Star Trek: Killing Off Jadzia Dax Was DS9's Biggest Mistake
Killing off Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell) at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 6 was the series' biggest mistake. Dax was one of DS9's main cast and was introduced in the pilot episode, «Emissary.» Jadzia's shocking death came in DS9's season 6 finale, «Tears of the Prophets,» when she was murdered by the series' greatest Cardassian villain, Gul Dukat (Marc Alaimo), and it was a devastating moment that crescendoed DS9's dark and complex Dominion War storyline. But it was behind-the-scenes tensions between Farrell and Star Trek's studio, Paramount, that led to Jadzia getting axed from DS9 and replaced with Nicole deBoer as Ezri Dax.