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WoW Could Find Its Perfect Console In The Switch 2 (Yes, Really)

For over two decades, has been exclusively available for players on computers, with the massive game never officially making it to any console.

Of course, this hasn't seemed to hurt sales of the game, as it has remained one of the most popular MMORPGs even as it recently celebrated its 20th anniversary.

Rumors of console ports have come and gone through the years, but now new ideas are surfacing regarding an unlikely contender, the Nintendo Switch 2, being the first to be able to bring to the console world. Bringing to a console feels inevitable at this point, with the systems becoming more powerful with each generation, even surpassing several PCs.

As many people prefer console gaming over PC, it could potentially open up to an entire audience of newcomers to the game, therefore making Blizzard quite a bit of money as well.

Nintendo may not be the first console to come to mind when thinking of, but current ideas on the upcoming Switch 2 hardware point to it being able to overcome a major hurdle for the MMO.

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