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Why Magic: The Gathering May Be Teasing An Avatar: The Last Airbender Universes Beyond

may have stealthily revealed an upcoming collaboration with the franchise. In 2025, Wizards of the Coast will release seven sets, beginning with in late January.

Wizards has revealed six of the seven sets so far., and will all take place in various official planes, while the franchise and will be represented in Universes Beyond sets.

Also in the works is a third Universes Beyond set, featuring an unknown IP. A new theory suggests that this unknown set will feature the franchise.

The theory notes that Wizards has been teasing upcoming Magic sets via Daily Deal sales on, with the last daily deal referencing.

While the theory may seem farfetched, the theory actually makes a ton of sense and is supported by comments previously made by the set's lead designer, Chris Mooney.

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