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'We're extending the 6v6 playtest': The game director of Overwatch 2 stokes the flames that 6v6 will make an official comeback someday


The 6v6 vs 5v5 debate has been going on in Overwatch 2's community ever since the FPS changed format a couple of years ago. The loud minority of the fanbase has been calling for Overwatch 2 to return to its 6v6 roots, a cry that was ignored for over a year until the game director Aaron Keller announced that Blizzard would be trialing a limited 6v6 mode, which has now been extended.

Most of the arguments about why Overwatch 2 should return to 6v6 and abandon 5v5 are filled with nostalgia when, in reality, both versions have benefits and issues.

The plus side to 6v6 was that tanks had more freedom, as one could hold down the fort while the other flanked alongside DPS for kills.

But the queue times were longer, fights often felt like walking through wet cement because there were more enemies to kill, and players were held hostage by metas like double shield, which weren't fun for anyone.

Even so, Blizzard decided to introduce a series of playtests exploring how 6v6 would work in Overwatch 2, a game that has been designed around having five players on a team and only one tank for almost two years now.

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