is bringing chaos to historical research in Two Point County as players take on the role of curating not just one museum, but several.
Through sending experts, or sometimes janitors, out on exotic expeditions to unearth rare finds, players are slowly able to create a museum worthy of guests donating all their kudosh to.
The exhibits displayed and cared for in these unique tourist destinations can range from a simple Prehistoric Fern to an Astral Anomaly from an alien planet, and each can help entertain and delight the guests.
is unlike either of the previous games, and, as it provides an entire new layer of gameplay through sending expedition teams out to explore and find exhibits to bring back and display for the eager public.
Each unique piece holds greater importance as they are gradually added and players build and design the perfect area of the museum for them. Six distinct exhibit types, with over 30 sub categories of exhibits, are available as expedition teams explore five different maps featuring over 100 unique points of interest.