Happy New Year everyone! Whether you're adding to your ongoing Wordle win streak today or just starting out, you'll find everything you need to succeed right here.
We've got general tips to help get you in a guessing mindset, a clue for the January 1 (1292) puzzle, and today's answer ready if you need to turn a tough game around, or just want to make sure you get the year started on the right foot.
If today's Wordle was any indication of how the rest of my puzzle-solving year is going to go… hmm. I had a solid core to work with from my second go, the only problem was working out what the heck was supposed to fit around the edges of it.
I did get there in the end though—mostly out of stubbornness. It still counts, though. These thin fibres carry information, instructions, and sensations from the body to the brain.
If somebody metaphorically got yours, they'd be irritating you. Yes, there is a double letter in today's puzzle. Playing Wordle well is like achieving a small victory every day—who doesn't like a well-earned winning streak in a game you enjoy?