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Today's Wordle answer for Thursday, January 23

We've got a clue written especially for today's Wordle ready and waiting to help you win, and a great selection of top tips to polish up your guesses.

You've got this in three easy-breezy rows for sure. Want to see what a win in one looks like? We can help with that, just scroll down until you see the January 23 (1314) answer.

With two yellow letters and one very awkward green showing up on my opening line, I had nowhere else to go but straight to today's answer.

It looks like a win in two, and I'm feeling pleased with myself about it—I'll just not mention the yawning chasm of time between them as I scratched my head and wondered how the heck I was supposed to rearrange them into a winning word.

This word distinguishes some sort of higher part, component, or place from whatever's below it. Yes, there is a double letter in today's puzzle.

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