Need some Wordle tips? We've got a great bunch ready to help you out. Don't need tips? Then you're bound to find our clue for the January 10 (1301) game a real help.
Still not sure how you're going to turn this puzzle around in the rows you've got left? That's why today's answer is never more than a quick click or scroll away.
Whatever Wordle woes you're having this Friday, we've got the solution. A very strong start soon led me to a neat and tidy collection of green letters, and from there it was simply a case of whittling down my options until I found today's winning word.
Now there are times when this all goes terribly wrong—a small gap with six potential answers in a game with three rows left, for example—but today there was no danger of that, and I got to enjoy a nice and easy win.
Babies generally do this before they learn to walk, and adults do this when they need to get down low to the ground but still move around.