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Today's Connections Hints & Answers For January 11, 2025 (Puzzle #580)

If you are looking for the right hints for today’s puzzle, you are in the right place to get them. Today’s puzzle was a little more difficult for me than the past few, as there were several words that could have gone into multiple categories.

This made it harder to separate them out and understand which of the four words was wrong when a “one away” popped up. However, our loss is your gain as we can give you all the hints you need to avoid the same fate.

If you want to try out a different puzzle today, you should try the NYT’s puzzle. It’s a very cute puzzle because of its overall aesthetic.

However, it’s also a fun puzzle to play as it tests your knowledge of the dictionary without asking you to remember every meaning of every word ever.

All you have to do is remember the word and spell it right. That can be a challenge at times, but it is fun to try to come up with all the words you can.

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