If you need an extra tip or two to finish today’s puzzle, you are in the right place. Today’s puzzle felt a little weird to me, not so difficult that it was impossible but tricky enough that I stared at it for a few minutes before getting anything right.
There are a lot of potential problem spots, and some fun words as well to balance it out. Taken together, it makes for a challenging but amusing experience as you finish out the puzzle.
If you want to try a different type of word puzzle, you should check out the NYT’s puzzle. It is quite popular now, and it is even an essential part of solving other puzzles.
In this puzzle, you will be attempting to complete a word.You get 6 chances to guess the right word, which will be hinted at based on what letters are left and which ones are in the right places.
With enough hints, the word should be obvious if you have done everything right. To finish off the puzzle, you will likely need a few hints.