Ninja Five-O, developed by Hudson Soft and published by Konami for the Game Boy Advance, quickly developed a cult classic reputation after its original launch in 2003.
These days, it's arguably the most sought-after GBA game of them all, with even loose carts commanding $300 price tags. But now, finally, Konami has confirmed the release date for the game's modern reissue, promising a much cheaper way to enjoy this portable favorite.
You'll be able to pick up Ninja Five-O on February 25 across PS5, PS4, Switch, and PC. The game will launch at $24.99 across all platforms, though there's a 15% pre-order discount on Steam taking the price down to $21.24.
You might consider that pricey for what ultimately appears to be a single GBA ROM packaged with an emulator frontend, but given the price you'd otherwise pay to play this one legally, that MSRP is pretty easy to stomach.
Ninja Five-O is perhaps most succinctly described as 'Ninja Gaiden meets Bionic Commando.' It's a 2D action platformer where you play as a ninja cop fighting terrorists and much weirder monsters as you rescue hostages throughout a handful of stages with the benefit of delightful mobility options including a grappling hook.