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Super Snipers Review

The year is 2484 and 80% of the Earth’s surface is uninhabitable from the last Great War. Surviving colonies fight over what resources are left by hiring cybernetically and genetically enhanced snipers to battle and minimize their own casualties.

These snipers try to take each other out to see which colony claims these remaining precious resources. Sound interesting? Read on!

Our review today, Super Snipers, the polyominoes 2-player dueling game from Galen’s Games. Where you try to place polyominoes on various grids to eliminate your opponent or the AI in solo mode to win the game.

Super Snipers plays in about 20–30 minutes. Super Snipers setup is straight forward. Players will choose a sniper (there are 7 unique ones with ability, adrenaline cards, and hide discs), scope board with tokens, each player choose 3 locate grids (with matching target grid for their scope board), and a bag of 30 focus (polyominoes).

Each player will take the same number of turns and flip their Ready or Go tokens to signify the start and end of their turn.

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