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Shadows of Doubt review

What is it? A procgen immsim starring a PI. Potentially other abbreviations. Release date September 26, 2024 Expect to pay $25 / £20 Developer ColePowered Games Publisher Fireshine Games Reviewed on RTX 4080, AMD Ryzen 3700x, 16GB RAM Multiplayer None Steam Deck Verified Link Steam I found Emily in the basement of Etheridge Heights, a squat tenement on the edge of town, overlooking the water.

She was a mess—hands tied, bare knees pressed into the cement. I looked worse. My hunt kicked off when I found the ransom note in her flat: Leave 4,000 credits under the bridge by 9:15 pm or she dies.

By then it was already 4 in the afternoon. Since then I'd been everywhere, sprinting from one end of town to the other over and over and over.

Collecting fingerprints, taking statements, rooting through trash and smashing down doors. I was a wheezing, bleeding mess, starving and stinking.

But my perseverance paid off. Cross-referencing a suspicious email in Emily's inbox with her address book and the government database of citizens gave me a suspect, and I lucked out when a local convenience store clerk had seen my perp lurking around the building.

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