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Satisfactory players achieve absurd early-game speeds by building more ziplines to zipline on while ziplining

In the hours I've spent stripping planet Massage-2(Ab)b of resources to pour down the poorly optimized maw of my wretched Satisfactory production lines, my movement has only ever been clumsy.

Getting around my base is a barely-directed stumble across gnarled conveyor belts. When I venture beyond my tangled sprawl, I'm trudging along with slapdash platform staircases and ill-advised jump pads.

But thanks to the Satisfactory subreddit, I've seen a better, faster, more graceful way to navigate the early game on my way towards higher-tier transit tech—one where my feet will never have to touch the ground.

Provided my materials last, of course. The trick, shown off by redditor farzher in a clip posted over the weekend, is a pretty straightforward one: Simply always be ziplining.

The zipline, a piece of equipment you can research fairly early in the game, allows you to propel yourself along power lines, typically requiring those power lines to be built beforehand.

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