I would still count Portal as one of my favourite games, but truth be told I haven't been back to it for a while. Having played it countless times since it launched, I feel like I've simply wrung it dry.
Sure, it's fun to drop back in to hear GLaDOS' withering putdowns or just enjoy its general atmosphere. But I know most of its beats off by heart, and I could solve its chambers with the lights turned out.
Or at least, that's what I thought. Portal Randomized is, by Valve modding community standards, incredibly simple. It takes Valve's classic puzzler and adds a bunch of different variables that can occur in its test chambers.
For example, it might fill the room with deadly neurotoxin, giving you just seconds to solve it. Or it might transform the chamber floor into a roiling lava pit that you have to cross by hopping between rocks.
The one that really threw me is arguably the simplest of all, a randomiser that blinks the lights on and off every few seconds.