An extremely unlikely Wonder Pick lets one player finally finish their Genetic Apex collection. The mobile version of the has allowed many fans worldwide to open virtual card packs and collect digital cards.
The Genetic Apex set is the first set that was available to players, and although another pack has since been released, some fans are still working toward finishing the original set.
Reddit user Gekk0uga37 is one of these, and they only had one full-art Illustration Rare card left to collect when they spotted the perfect Wonder Pick.
The pack contained five identical Diglett one-star cards, featuring the full-art cards of the Pokémon. The Redditor calls it a "," referring to the extremely lucky phenomenon when all the cards contained in a pack are especially valuable or rare.
And, since the card is the only one they had left to collect, they say they "" Inquiring fans like andy888andy want to know, though: "" The original poster responded with a screenshot showing the card that they ended up getting and,surprise, it was a Diglett. The original Redditor writes jokingly, " Even when players have no luck of their own,the Wonder Pick feature of the game gives fans a second chance to get someone else's luck.