As a few of you might know, each Sunday at 4pm GMT I run Booked For The Week - a regular chat with a selection of cool industry folks about what they're reading, what they're hoping to read next, and what books they recommend.
The very secret goal of the column is for the guests to name every book ever written. It's a task every single one has failed miserably at with two notable exceptions.
One was Dan Griliopoulos, who listed 400 books in a document before he got bored and gave up - a heroic, if ultimately futile effort.
The other was Warren Spector back in November, who not only gave me the longest and most detailed reply I'd had before or since, but also followed up several times to add more books to the list. "Hey, so if you recall I reserved the right to change my mind about anything on my “what I’m going to read next” list for your Bookshelf column," Spector emailed me last night. "Well I changed my mind completely and thought it might be fun and interesting to do an update.
Feel free to ignore this, but here’s what I was thinking." Obviously, I'm not going to ignore Warren Spector. I figured an update to the original post would just get buried, so here it is in full. "Is this just promotion for your bloody column, Nic?", you may ask.