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Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First Day 11 Recap - Ansurek Enrage, Boss Nerfs

Dratnos and Tettles are back with another series of Race to World First Daily Recap videos! These videos will be recorded daily after Liquid finishes raiding, meaning they should be released around 2am Pacific Time, near the start of the European guilds' day. Looking for livestreams, guilds to watch, and analytics to dive into?

Check out the Wowhead RWF Coverage Article for the latest lists of streamers, raid coverage, and boss guides. Ansurek's entire fight is now known, with Liquid having wiped at 15% to the enrage!

Today's Race to World First Recap video goes over the texture of the fight, and Dratnos and Tettles break down what would have to happen for Liquid to take the boss from 15% to 0%, how likely it is for that to happen in the next 24 hours, and similarly the chances for Echo to do the same.

This boss' tuning is VERY tight, and it's likely either just on the right side or just on the wrong side of the line for killable this week.

Depending on how things go, there are a lot of different bad ways that the race could end, such as with over-nerfs, dropping a healer, or the race ending right after Liquid reclears at the start of the third reset.

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