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Months after porting GTA 3 to Dreamcast, the same devs are repeating the trick with Vice City, and they already have rough progress to show

Over 22 years since GTA Vice City's initial release, a group of Dreamcast enthusiasts are bringing the Rockstar banger to Sega's long-forgotten console.

Just last year, a team led by a developer called SKMP managed to bring GTA 3 over to the Dreamcast in a matter of months. What better way to follow up the feat than by turning your collective attention to GTA Vice City?

Right as we're about to revisit the city ourselves in GTA 6, too. As revealed in a video from The Sega Guru (thanks, Time Extension), the team already has some work to show.

The audio isn't there just yet, and the controls are apparently hit-and-miss, but GTA Vice City is already working on the Dreamcast – barely.

Each cutscene we see has plenty of jittering and general visual funkiness, but still! It's a start. You can check out the full video below.

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