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I’m a video game completionist. I’m trying to kick that habit in 2025

My relationship with games has changed many times over my lifetime, but one constant has always been how I approached them from a completionist standpoint.

From my younger years all the way through to young adulthood, I have been in a position where I only got a couple of new games a year.

Because gaming was my passion, I would squeeze every ounce of content out of a game to make it last. That started out as things like finding every secret or completing every challenge, to the modern tradition of Trophy and Achievement hunting for an “official” 100% completion.

Reflecting on my last few years of gaming — especially in 2024 — I have realized that this habit is diluting my enjoyment with gaming rather than strengthening it.

I don’t intend on playing fewer games in 2025; instead I want to break my habit of feeling so obligated to complete games and let my time with them end naturally.

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