Waters mountaineering classical

How to Get Tome of Conjure Water Rank 8 - Season of Discovery Phase 5


Mages can learn a new rank of Conjure Water in Season of Discovery Phase 5! Tome of Conjure Water VIII is sold by vendors in Winterspring and Azshara.

This item is BoP and not limited stock so it should be easy for Mages to acquire! Tome of Conjure Water VIII is unique to SoD — previously Rank 7 in Classic created Conjured Crystal Water, while Rank 8 creates Mountain Spring Water.

Alliance Vendor Lyranne Feathersong is located at 52.0 29.2 by Starbreeze Village in Winterspring. Lyranne Feathersong Horde Vendor Kurll is located at 21.8 52.0 by the Horde flight path in Azshara.

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