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How to get a rabbit’s foot in Stardew Valley

Luck is a strange statistic in a game like Stardew Valley that not many tips and tricks guides will spend much time covering.

There are a few ways you can increase your luck through items, which leads many people to assume that the rabbit's foot would be one of, if not the best, item for luck.

While this little charm works wonders as a gift for other villagers, it isn't all that lucky on its own. If you have had no luck getting a rabbit's foot, we'll show you the guaranteed method.

Recommended Videos Difficulty Moderate Duration 1 hour What You Need Unlock the Deluxe Coop A rabbit How to get rabbit's foot Rabbit's foot is a very rare drop that will likely take you a few months of prep time to even have a chance to get. Step 1: Unlock the Deluxe Coop from Robin.

This is the final upgrade for your coop that costs 20,000g, 500 wood, and 200 stone. Step 2: Only after unlocking the Deluxe Coop will you have the option to raise rabbits, which you can purchase from Marine's Ranch for 8,000g each.

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