Alice Bee (RPS in peace) covered the announcement for Forgotlings back in 2003. It's a metroidvania by ThroughLine Games, them behind Forgotton Anne - one of my favourites from 2018.
Forgotlings, however, managed to completely slip by me until I recently noticed it had a Steam demo. This is such good news I've basically forgiven them for doubling down on the funky spelling.
You play as Fig, a mannequin with a face on his torso, which could be deeply off-putting in basically any other art style but ThroughLine's Ghibliness.
It's still a little off-putting, honestly. The premise behind the setting is that forgotten objects - Forgotlings - wake up here as sentient creatures.
Hopping wardrobes, talking TVs, and the like. As Fig, you start the demo searching for your friend Silvia in a mountain. This is obviously a tricky place to search.