Japan Anime PC Horror Fantasy Shooter: First Person Japan Anime

Beyond Citadel is a fascinating, melancholy FPS, but you'll need a high tolerance for gore and titillation


The first time I died in Beyond Citadel, the game treated to me a close-up shot of my character's scantily clad, bisected body lying in a pool of guts and ripped underwear.

It turns out you can turn off a lot of the gore and nudity. You can also swaddle yourself in some nice, sturdy, PG-13 body armor.

But you're seemingly stuck with a certain base percentage of bulging, softcore gratuitousness in both the character portrait on bottom left, and in the mildly boobulent background art of the world.

I'm not sure I can put up with all that, which is a shame, because Beyond Citadel is otherwise a promising, eerie FPS that mixes ideas from 90s shooters in pretty appealing ways.

As the name suggests, Beyond Citadel is a sequel to The Citadel, which launched in 2020. It's the work of Japanese developer doekuramori, who I'm not familiar with.

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