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AU Deals: Super Reductions on Storage, High Percentages off Headsets, Cut Price Controllers, and More!


Welcome to a hump day of high percentage discount opportunities. Cases in point include a hellishly good Hades price and a slam dunk on NBA 2K25.

My antiquated self is also all about 80% off Oblivion GOTY and the rather timeless Batman Arkham Collection. Failing all those, go score a cheap FFXVI, GTA V, or some other acronym that will befuddle any non-gamers who have stumbled into this article by mistake…In retro news, I'm celebrating the 16th birthday of House of the Dead: Overkill which (at 189 f-bombs dropped) is one of the sweariest video games ever made.

Hilariously, it was released first on the more family-friendly Nintendo Wii console and eventually morphed into a kick arse edutainment game that taught you typing...

via profanity. Bravo, Sega.- Ristar (MD) 1995. Get- Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2) 2004. Remaster- House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii) 2009.

eBay- Dragon Quest V (DS) 2009. eBay- Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (PS3) 2009.- Strider (PS3/4) 2014.

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