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All SyCom Abilities & How To Upgrade Them In Hyper Light Breaker

In , each character has two different SyComs that give them separate abilities and allow you to customize each character to your liking.

It is an important thing to consider, as this will affect your gameplay quite a lot. Players will want to use the SyComs to their advantage and upgrade them to make their characters permanently better.

There are currently 3 playable characters in , giving you a total of 6 SyComs to play around with. They are all tailored to the character’s playstyle.

At the very beginning, you will only be able to use Vermillion until you can unlock the other two. You will therefore likely end up unlocking a SyCom upgrade or testing out the other one of his early as well, but only if you know how to do it.

It is unclear how to upgrade the SyComs when you first load into the game. What you will want to do is go to the character’s loadout screen, and you need to look at the left side of the screen.

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