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Elements from The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's Lost Levels set to appear in show's second season

Some of the material which will feature in The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's Lost Levels is also planned to appear in the second season of HBO's show, Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann has teased.

Earlier this month, Naughty Dog announced a remastered and native PlayStation 5 version of The Last of Us Part 2. Along with souped up visuals for the base game, this upcoming release will also have a few other bells and whistles including cut content in the form of 'Lost Levels' for players to experience. These Lost Levels will be Sewers, Jackson Party and Boar Hunt.

Meanwhile, almost in tandem with The Last of Us Part 2's remastered release, production on the second season of HBO's adaptation is set to kick off early next year. While we know the second season of the show will not encompass the entirety of The Last of Us Part 2's narrative, the series' creator has said «at least one element» of the previously mentioned cut content is «planned for the show».

«I say that with the caveat that we haven't started filming the show yet and all things are subject to change based on what we ultimately feel will be best for the show,» Druckmann told EW.

«The Lost Levels are very much focused on offering a sneak peek into The Last of Us Part 2's original development and deepen fans' appreciation for the studio's creative work. While the TV show has diverged from the original works to suit the medium and likely will again, these levels are not meant to be indicative of work on the HBO show, which is separate from Part 2 Remastered's development.»

The Naughty Dog exec did not go into further detail about which element is currently earmarked for the show, but my money — at least for series two, and for now — is on Boar Hunt.

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PS4 PS5 Blockbuster Naughty Dog The Last of Us Part II shooter Sony Computer Entertainment 2

Neil Druckmann

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