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Amnesia: The Bunker Accessibility Patch is Live, Adds Aim Assist, Closed Captions and More

Frictional Games has released a new patch for Amnesia: The Bunker, adding several accessibility options. These include reduced camera motion, reduced enemy perception, aim assist, subtitle directional indicators, closed captions and much more.

You can toggle rats to be passive and enable various modes for checking health, charging the flashlight and sprinting. The patch also offers fixes for issues like one that caused sluggish physics interactions at 120 FPS and localization-related problems with the inventory. Some quality-of-life improvements have also been added, like a subtitle preview and an option to hide the default crosshair.

Check out some of the patch notes below and full details here (though beware of spoilers). Amnesia: The Bunker is available for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Xbox Series X/S. Check out our review here. If you’re keen on upping the difficulty, the last update added Shell Shock Mode, which reduces the number of hiding places and a randomizer for items and hazards.

Patch Log – Amnesia: The Bunker | Accessibility Patch

Implemented various accessibility settings, including:


PC Xbox One Xbox Series X PS4 Xbox Series S Amnesia: The Bunker Frictional Games

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